How to Get Free Case Keys in CSGO?
The cosmetics in CSGO is different from most games, it is constantly updated and their demand is at its peak. Most of the skins in the game come out of cases and a case-specific key is required to open these cases. This article is for all of those who wonder how to get free case keys in CSGO in order to open the skin cases.
If you are wondering how to get free case keys in CSGO, we have bad news for you. Unfortunately, although there are free possibilities in cases, it is not possible to get a free key in CSGO. If you want to open the case you bought for free or for money, you have to buy a CSGO case key.
The closest way to get it free is to get it cheap, for that, we can recommend checking out Lootbear’s platform. You can also rent out your current skins and buy keys for the profits.
How to Get Case Keys in CSGO?
We told you before that it is not possible to get a free case key. You have to pay a price at the end. People will tell you of various means to earn free keys but they will most likely scam you in the end.
There are several ways you can get a CSGO case key;
Buying Through Third-Party Sites
Third-party sites have always been one of the best options for CSGO traders. Furthermore, the sales you make in CSGO are only available in the Steam inventory. Because they are Steam-based, these sites are always reliable and offer the best service for you.
From these sites, you can buy your keys at affordable prices, sell or exchange them. In addition, you can sell your cases that you do not want to open through these sites and make a profit. But remember that not every site is as reliable as Lootbear, so it’s a good idea to make your choices carefully.
1. Log into your Steam account on the Lootbear website.
2. After connecting your Steam account, you should enter your e-mail and Steam trade link.
(This process is required because you will complete your purchases and trades via Steam, this means it’s completely safe.)
3. Set your password then you are ready to go.
4. Here, you can search by the key you want to buy like you do in the Steam Community Market.
5. After you complete your purchase or trade, your items will be transferred to your Steam inventory instantly.
As far as is known, there are no reliable or widely used CSGO purchasing key options other than these. If you prefer platforms that you do not trust or try to buy keys from people you do not know, you will most likely be scammed. Therefore, it will be best for you to choose one of the methods we recommend.

Steam Community Market
Steam has always been the most preferred and trusted trading platform. Because CSGO is a Steam-supported game played through Steam. So, trades, sales, and purchases always occur smoothly.
1. First, log into your Steam account
2. Select CSGO from the search filter by game.
3. Type “key” into the search bar here, along with the name of the case you want to open.
4. Compare the prices of the keys and make your purchase.
5. After making your purchase, your key will be in your inventory and you can open your case whenever you want.

How to Get Free Cases in CSGO?
Some CSGO cases can be obtained for free, but some require keys. So keep in mind that you must have the key to open the free cases as well. Price often determines the chance of getting a more valuable item: more expensive cases contain more valuable resources.
Who wouldn’t want a free CSGO case? There is also a chance to drop a rare skin from it. Some platforms try to increase their appeal to users by offering free cases for CSGO. We will tell you how to get free cases from these platforms or in the game.
Getting a free case in CSGO is not as difficult as you might think. All you have to do is find a platform that suits you and take advantage of their free case options. Many of these sites are different from each other. For example, some offer a free case directly, while others give your case after a deposit. So do your research well.
Here are some free case options these platforms provide:
Free Gifts: There are sites that give a second case as a gift when you buy a case. This way you will get 2 for the price of 1.
Welcome Bonus: There are sites where you can get free CSGO cases when you sign up or log in to a site. This is one of the most widely used methods of getting free cases. It is very easy to become a member of the site and you can take your case and enjoy it.
Inviting Friends: You have a chance to get a free case when you invite your friends to the site with their referral codes or links.
After Deposit: You can get a free case after every deposit of a certain amount of money. But as we said, deposits and limits are very important. So check and make sure you meet the requirements.
Well, other than these, is there no chance to get a free case from CSGO? Of course there is. As in most games, you get free cases as you play the game in CSGO. You can get free cases only 2 times a week, as these are randomly dropped.
It is unclear what will drop from these cases, and a rare skin may also be found inside, so do not lose hope. If you don’t want to wait for that though, you can always buy cases from sites like Lootbear and create your own luck.
In this article, we have told you how you can get free CSGO case keys and listed the methods. We’ve also provided some methods and helpful tips for those who are interested in getting free cases.
If you want to be involved in the trading environment in CSGO, we recommend that you know everything and make your decisions logically. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, questions or want to add anything