What is ADR in CSGO?
If you want to be a professional player in CSGO, the most important thing you need to do is to constantly follow the statistics and performance details in the game. Most professional players can play this well because they have mastered the small details of the game flow. That’s exactly why we’re going to talk about what ADR is in today’s article.
Apart from these, most CSGO players want to improve themselves in order to play in high ranks and eSport teams. It is extremely important to practice different areas and situations such as aim training, 1v1 matches, experience on maps, and the recoil of each weapon has uniquely.

In short, ADR stands for “Average Damage per Round” in CSGO. It is perhaps one of the most important stats found in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Knowing how much damage you do to your opponent when you die or when your teammates die is extremely important for the fate of the match. In this way, you can set a new strategy with your surviving teammates. Now let’s take a closer look at what ADR means in CSGO.
What is ADR in CSGO?
ADR is the abbreviation of “Average Damage per Round”, as we mentioned above. Generally, 70-80 ADR is acceptable in the initial phase. Most professional CSGO players have an address of 80 or higher. However, it happens when some superstar players reach above 100. Now let’s take a look at what is ADR step by step.

- You can easily view your ADR stats on your statistics screen while the match is in progress or when it ends. This number is the result of your total damage in the time until the match is over.
- To put it simply, your ADR is the reflection of the damage you deal on your opponents each round. The higher this number, the more successful you have had a round.
- Your ADR value appears in the section with other statistics in CSGO. Headshot percentage (hs%), K/D, UD and EF are among these statistics. ADR cannot be calculated exactly like other values, it is based on a non-constant average in the game. And it certainly doesn’t depend on you killing opponents. For example, even if you get the least kills in a match, you can still have the highest ADR value. Because ADR is not based on the person you kill, but on the effort you put into the team to win. Your total damage done per round as an avarage are used in these calculations.
- The higher your personal ADR value, the more you helped your team win. If you want to become a professional player in CSGO, the only value you definitely need to develop is ADR.
What Do ADR Statistics Mean in CSGO?
As you know, every player in CSGO has 100 health. That means, if you damage a player more than 100 times in the game, you will kill that player. Therefore, players with an ADR value above 100 per round played very well. Because it means they have done enough damage to kill one person per round.

Again, on average, players with an ADR of 80 or slightly higher can be considered very good. However, if you have an ADR of 60-70, we have to say that you play CSGO at an average level. Likewise, if your Adr is 50 or below, you need to start seriously thinking about what you can do to improve yourself in CSGO.
Which Player Has the Highest ADR Rating in the CSGO eSport World?
“Navi” was selected as MVP in DreamHack Masters tournament held last spring. “s1mple” was able to get 90.8 ADR points based on the average of all his matches in the tournament. Likewise, let’s take a look at the ADR values of the superstar CSGO players in various tournaments held in 2021;

Statistics contain a common statistic of all CSGO matches held in the last 3 months.
Name | Team | ADR |
NiKo | G2 | 93.6 |
s1mple | Natus Vincere | 91.5 |
ZywOo | Vitality | 89.1 |
XANTARES | Eternal Fire | 88.9 |
roeJ | Copenhagen Flames | 88.1 |
electronic | Natus Vincere | 84.0 |
Ax1Le | Gambit | 82.4 |
stavn | Heroic | 81.7 |
device | NIP | 81.4 |
How to Increase Your ADR Value in 3 Steps
1. Train in FFA Modes
Take care to train consistently and disciplined every week. Try to log in to servers where you only need to shoot headshots, especially FFA servers. The experience you gain here will definitely reflect on your skill in the game.
Remember, ADR does not mean killing the opponent. In order for our team to win the game, you must deal as much damage as possible. Practicing will improve your muscle memory as well as your aim.
2. Aim Training in 1v1 Maps
You need to understand that the only way to have a high ADR value is to improve your aiming ability. That’s why you should practice as much as possible, evaluating every possibility. In addition to the games in the FFA modes in the first item, we also recommend 1v1 aim maps. Making moves according to a single opponent will strengthen your focus and help you control the excitement in competitive matches.

3. Watch Professional CSGO Players
Especially try to follow superstar players like “s1mple, ZywOo, and Xantares”. Learn how they play, how they position, and what tactics they follow. As you follow them continuously, you will be able to see your own mistakes in the game and overcome these mistakes. It will be very instructive for you to see what moves professional players make that increase ADR values in the game. Good luck.